03 July 2004

Yesterday was a Canada Day jammed pack with social interaction and lazy activities. I didn't wake up until about 12:45pm which was wonderful. Then my wife and I had bacon and eggs. My favorite way to start a day. Then we cleaned up and headed out to see the UofS jazz ensemble play at the free stage at the Jazz Festival. That was my first time at the jazz fest and it was o.k. I have to be honest though....I don't really dig jazz. I love jazz with singing like Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Norah Jones etc. and I love it in the background of movies and I love it in coffee shops....but that is the limit of my appreciation for jazz. We were more there to visit with our friends Shelen and Matt and their families. It was a nice little visit. Then we headed to fellow Bloggers Jordon and Wendy's house for some snacks and chit chat. Here's a little known trivia fact...Jordon's legal name is actually Geordan. (I think that's the spelling) You learn something new everyday. We talked about politics, churches, sports, travels etc. As always it was a real sharing of information. It was also nice to chat a bit with Becky from Grrrlmeetsworld. I read her Blog regularily and really appreciate her balance of academia, spirituality and artsy quirkiness. I seems to be a very interesting person. After some laughter and some eats Nevada and I headed off to our final destination of the day....a drive-in date with my mom. My mom likes to do dates in style so she was geared up with chips and dip and twizzlers not to mention the pizza, slurpees and chocolate bars we picked up on the way. We were set for a night of gluttony and sloth. The movies were awesome: Shrek 2 and The Terminal. Nev and I had already seen Shrek but it was funnier the second time. One of those times when you catch things you missed the first time. Then The Terminal came on. Despite it's absurdly unrealistic storyline it was full of comedic and romantic genius. I highly recommend it to all of you. The funniest guy in the movie was the east Indian janitor named Khunta.....his favorite game is to watch people slip on wet floors and he is an avid conspiracy theorist. We ate oursleves silly and giggled a lot ....and we survived Nev's gas chamber. It was awesome...I love drive-ins. Then we headed home and so ended another Canada in the life Chester.

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