#2- "Driven From Within" a new book by and about Michael Jordan (from my mom)...I watched Michael Jordan on Oprah a month ago or so and he was there to discuss the new book and answer some questions. I have to admit my favorite books are biography/autobiography and I can't wait to dive into this one. MJ has been a very private man over the last few years so it'll be nice to get a glimpse of the man and his life after basketball.

#1- The best gift of the day has to be a Slurpee Maker from my mom. It's an official 7-11 at home slurpee maker. It's the Slurpee equivalent of an "Easybake Oven". The customs slip said "kitchen appliance" on it and I've been wondering what sort of appliance it couldd be but I never would've guessed this in a million years. We're super excited to make our first Slurpees but it's a little chilly today...we'll wait for a nice hot day and then be the envy of all our friends.

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I'm so jealous of your slurpee machine, I can't wait to come over and try it out. I'm glad you had a good Christmas!
WOW! I want a slurpee machine in my house! That's sweet! Anyways, glad to hear you had a good Christmas!
You have the best MOM!!!
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