27 August 2004

I'm back and have to admit that the first week away from Nevada has been hard. We've talked on the phone but it's not quite a hug or a cuddle. I hope it gets better and that we can learn how to love each other from a distance.

The retreat was good. It was nice to spend some social time with some of the people I don't really hang out with normally at the church. It's nice to get an insight into who they are, what they are about and what they do here at the church. I also enjoyed the chance to share myself with them. My favorite times were the truth telling game that we played by the fireplace and the time of confession and communion that we shared as a group. I'm a really mushy touch feely guy and so the emotional parts of retreats are always the most special for me and this time was the same. I was really touched by the honesty and tears being shared and I thank all of you who were a part of that. I have some new ideas for the senior high ministry and I really think it's starting to take shape. The first step will be the core building and leadership training that we're doing in September. I've never trained other leaders and I'm a little nervous but I guess I have a lot of youth work experience and I just need to share what I've learned with the other leaders and I need to share what the Bible says about leadership. Please pray for me in the next few weeks as I'm challenged to do something out of my normal comfort zone.

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