25 January 2005

As is my custom I've changed my blog template again. I also changed the title to "Chester: An Autobiography". I did this because I'm taking a Biography/Autobiography class at school and it's given a lot to think about. So many elements of our life play into our story and and what is known about us and what will be remembered about us. This blog is a record of my thoughts/current events/life struggles/successes etc. It's amazing when you think about it...this is a place where my life is played out. But an interesting thing is that I could be lying on here and completely making things up and no one would know. But yet I can be defined by what is written here. There are so many thoughts that swirl in my head since I've been in this class and I want you to know that as a reader of my Blog you have all become a part of my Biography...

1 comment:

Andy said...

New digs looks good!
