This weekend I was able to buy a guitar. I didn't bring my guitar from home to Taiwan this time. Basically because we didn't need anymore luggage and also because it was time for an upgrade. I love my guitar at home but it doesn't have a pick up which, for those of you that don't know guitar speak, means that I can't plug it in to an amp or a house system. So why is this important since I am no rockstar? My passion on guitar is playing worship music in Church and it's almost a must to be able to plug in when it's time to play at Church. When I would show up to perform using my old guitar I was pretty much laughed at and handed someone else's guitar that had plug in capabilities. So now I have my own decent guitar. I bought a used guitar from a friend who isn't actually here. Eric used to live in Taiwan and him and I played on a worship team together in Kaohsiung. He didn't have room to take his guitar home so he left it here with a buddy to be sold...so I was looking and there it was. I got a fair price and now I'm making music. I hope to get connected with the worship team at the PIT (our church here) very soon. I just need a few days practice and it's game time.
I'm really glad you were able to get your guitar. I look forward to hearing you play again soon!
hey chester ... new guitar is sweet! looks like things are going well for you guys. later!
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