03 May 2006

Working Out

I've been going to the gym lately. I've never been one for the gym; I would much rather play sports than simply bust my butt in a solo pursuit of fitness. There are many things that have motivated me lately... 1) Rugby-When I started playing rugby I realized how out of shape I was and as an athlete, albeit overweight, I still like to perform at a certain level. 2) Pregnancy-with the baby thing happening I guess some sort of instinct kicked in that I need to be at my best. At 295 lbs a heart attack is almost immanent so if I want to be around for my kids I need to drop a few. 3) Health- I've always said that I don't mind being clinically overweight but I'm not so much into obese or morbidly obese. I will never be thin...in fact I may hover around 250lbs for the rest of my life but I want to be a fit 250.

I have to admit that I enjoy when I see some progress...when I can run longer on the treadmill, when I can lift heavier weights and when I need to wear my belt tighter. I've also made a few diet changes, not a complete overhaul, but a few changes. I've been eating vegetables and fruit regularily. I've almost completely cut out fast-food...except for when it is necessity (ie: travelling and can't get English menus). Not drinking regular pop...except when it's the only option at a party...don't want to be difficult. I stock up on Diet Coke...which I'm sure had a bad side to it but calories is not one of them. And lastly...cutting down on portion size and overall intake in a day. That's the one I struggle with but since I'm making healthier food choices I can take my time cutting back the quantity. I am currently sitting at about 117 kgs (257 lbs)...that's a few pounds lighter than when I left for Taiwan. My short team goal is 250 lbs...I want to see if I can maintain that...so that I don't slide. Then my longer term goal is 220lbs or something less. I don't know if I'll ever get there because I'm not going to completely sell out for weight loss but like I said anything less the 295lbs I was at before makes for a better, longer life.

Update: I just want to clarify that I still look bigger than most so when you see me in the summer don't expect some slim trim dude. And I feel like I might be setting myself up for defeat...I use this weigh scale at the gym that is not really official so that may not be the exact correct weight.


SarahJ said...

Good job Chester! I agree that working out is not the easiest thing to do. Its definately hard to get motivated and keep with it so good job!

Shane Sowden said...

That's sweet buddy! I have dropped about 20 in the past 5 weeks. I was pushing 260 and wasn't digging the way I was feeling. Keep it up man.

Anonymous said...

250... 250.... Where are we going:
Lower... lower

This is the new chant!


Anonymous said...

Atta boy Seigs. Maybe we'll be the same weight someday. We can meet in the middle.
