09 July 2009


As a church leader I've been bombarded with questions about VISION. What is the vision for your church? What is your vision for ministry? I've struggled a bit to answer these questions and I realize that it's probably because I've always maintained a broad, generic, generalized vision of wanted to see people come to Christ, join the church and be strengthened in their faith. These are all fair goals but sort of explain the general vision of all churches. Most people want to know where I'm going in ministry (what is my goal?) and where is the church (the Pearl) going. So I bought a book to help learn about this whole topic: Visioneering, by Andy Stanley. I'm only two chapters in but it's been helpful so far. One of the things that has simplified the whole thing is the idea that one's vision comes out of having a burden for a certain group of people or certain issue. He says that most of us see something and want it to be different. We see how it could be and want to take action to change it. That's where our vision begins. I have some strong indicators of what it is I care about and how I want to see it changed but as I work through what my vision for ministry is it leads me to another question. As a pastor/church leader is my personal burden the one that is supposed to shape the vision of the church I'm leading or am I supposed to have a personal vision and a different corporate vision to unleash? I guess the reason I'm working through this question is that in the fall our church needs to clarify it's vision/focus/goal and I'm not sure if, as the leader, I'm supposed to explain my passion and have others join in or is it more of a democratic process where we try to find a vision that captivates the majority of the congregation. Does our church follow my vision lead or do we come up with a group vision. It's obviously easier to just say "here's my vision, this is what WE are going to be about at the Pearl." That way the goal is set immediately and we can begin to work at it together. The other way can be a major challenge. We all know of scenarios where coming up with consensus decisions is a real pain. Too many cooks in the kitchen, if you will. And then there is the issue of my personal vision not co-inciding with the consensus ideas. What then?

You're thoughts on personal/corporate vision would be appreciated? Leave a comment...(and if you can't leave a comment...some people have expressed difficulties...please email me your thoughts chrismckenzie@thepearlintaipei.com)


Shane Sowden said...

You and your leadership come up with the vision. I am pretty sure you have a general idea of the needs of your congregation but you are leader and you should present the vision that God has placed on your heart as the leader of that particular group.

Grandpa Steve said...

Good words Professor Sowden! Chris please remember I am praying for your protection as a leader so you can hear God.
