23 April 2007

Life Change: Part 2

I realize the ambiguity of the first Life Change post left some of you scrambling for answers. We got a few calls from home wondering what the heck was going on. I want to first answer some of the basics:1) we are still coming home this summer, 2) there is no baby number two in the works, 3) we are all fine and healthy. So what is the big news you ask, and why the big secret. The news is that my boss/co-worker Dan has come to a point where he will be leaving our church to return home to the States. It's been a shocker around here and has become the talk of the town in our church circle. This is especially big news in my life as I am one of two staff members remaining that will essentially take over the church, with the help of our volunteer leadership team of course. I have sort of stepped up to be the "pastor" of this church. Before getting into semantics of the word pastor and the implications of the title...I want to clarify that I am not ordained but I use the word loosely as one who leads a church or church community. For those of you that don't know, I've felt a call to ministry since my teen years and ever since have been dabbling with different ministry jobs and volunteer positions. As I've grown into adulthood (college degree, marriage, parent) I've been trying harder to clarify direction in my life and specifically in regards to career. This opportunity has now been placed in my hands, I believe by God, to give me a kick start on my career path and life calling. I posted a couple weeks ago about my desire to work on some Bible education and in the summer I plan to register at Briercrest in a program that will help to further my development in this area. I think I have a decent grasp of the word and have been working very hard to clean up my own life so that it reflects my faith but extra education is necessary going forward and I'm really excited. The reason it had to stay secret was that the news had not yet been announced to the congregation and I know there are some church people who find their way to my blog from time to time. If you are a Christian please pray for our church and for me in this time of transition...pray that we can come together as a family and continue to be a church that brings Jesus to the city fo Taipei.


Anonymous said...

This would make you a LAY PASTOR not an ordained Pastor.

Heather said...

Wow. Exciting news. Lots of changes in your lives since returning to Taiwan.

Hey, I just posted a new post but it doesn't show up when I go to my blog. If I click on March (on the right side) it will appear, otherwise it stays hidden. Any suggestions since you are the one who got me into this blogging world. HA!

We can't wait to watch Gemma again! Brenna and I had a blast!

Jeb said...

Whoa, great news mon frere.

Way to play it close to the vest...

Grandpa Steve said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Grandpa Steve said...

Ok, I cna't spell so I deleted my earlier comment.

Great News!
I remember getting back from a Promisekeepers conference and this young kid said " As for me and my house we will serve the Lord." this is one more step on that path.

Stay strong and follow God's lead!

Kat said...

Rock on, bro! We can't wait to catch up with you guys at some point.
